Online classes

In the privacy and comfort of your own home, New Moves offers a mixture of free dancing, easy choreography, conditioning exercises, and relaxation techniques that provides you with a holistic experience to uplift the spirits, strengthen the body, create community and soothe your nervous system.

Each week, Pauline crafts a new class experience tailored to the group’s needs. Your body is unique, and your way of embracing wellness should be too. At New Move Wellness, you’ll find a space that adapts to you, supporting your journey towards healthy ageing, enriched by anatomical insights that empower and educate.


Regular classes at 10 am -11.15am (AEST) on Saturdays during NSW school terms. There are 4 terms of 10 weeks.

2024 dates

Term 1: 3rd Feb- 6th April

Term 2: 27th April- 29th June

Term 3: 20th July- 21st Sep

Term 4: 12th Oct- 14th Dec

Additional classes can be requested by groups: contact me for more information.

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